以前本站推荐过 麻省理工的C/C++的课程 ,今天在他们的网站看到上有一组关于 计算机科学和编程导论的免费公开课 (视频是Youtube的),我看了几个课程,我觉得讲得很系统啊,而且有一点一通百通的感觉。虽然是理论课,但是可以感到我国的教育还是有很大差距的。这个组课程推荐给大家(需要翻墙),视频都有字幕,计算机科学系毕业的同学应该会很容易听懂。强烈推荐。(网友Aslan指出已经有人搬运到优酷上了, 链接在这里 ,遗憾的是没有字幕,另外,不知道为什么会说是Python学习)
1: Introduction and Goals; Data Types, Operators, and Variables |
2: Branching, Conditionals, and Iteration |
3: Common Code Patterns: Iterative Programs |
4: Abstraction through Functions; Introduction to Recursion |
5: Floating Point Numbers, Successive Refinement, Finding Roots |
6: Bisection Methods, Newton/Raphson, Introduction to Lists |
7: Lists and Mutability, Dictionaries, Introduction to Efficiency |
8: Complexity: Log, Linear, Quadratic, Exponential Algorithms |
9: Binary Search, Bubble and Selection Sorts |
10: Divide and Conquer Methods, Merge Sort, Exceptions |
11: Testing and Debugging |
12: Debugging, Knapsack Problem, Introduction to Dynamic Programming |
13: Dynamic Programming: Overlapping Subproblems, Optimal Substructure |
14: Introduction to Object-oriented Programming |
15: Abstract Data Types, Classes and Methods |
16: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Shadowing |
17: Computational Models: Random Walk Simulation |
18: Presenting Simulation Results, Pylab, Plotting |
19: Biased Random Walks, Distributions |
20: Monte Carlo Simulations, Estimating pi |
21: Validating Simulation Results, Curve Fitting, Linear Regression |
22: Normal, Uniform, and Exponential Distributions |
23: Stock Market Simulation |
24: Course Overview; What Do Computer Scientists Do? |
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《 (麻省理工免费课程)计算机科学和编程导论 》的相关评论