(感谢网友 @我的上铺叫路遥 投稿)
Linus大神又在rant了!这次的吐槽对象是时下很火热的 并行技术(parellism) ,并直截了当地表示 并行计算是浪费所有人时间 ( “The whole “let’s parallelize” thing is a huge waste of everybody’s time.” )。大致意思是说 乱序性能快、提高缓存容量、降功耗 。当然笔者不打算正面讨论并行的是是非非(过于宏伟的主题),因为Linus在另一则 帖子 中举了对象 引用计数(reference counting) 的例子来说明并行的复杂性。
在Linus回复之前有人指出 对象需要锁机制的情况下,引用计数的原子性问题:
Since it is being accessed in a multi-threaded way, via multiple access paths, generally it needs its own mutex — otherwise, reference counting would not be required to be atomic and a lock of a higher-level object would suffice.
The problem with reference counts is that you often need to take them *before* you take the lock that protects the object data.
引用计数的问题在于你经常需要在对象数据 上锁保护之前 完成它。
The thing is, you have two different cases:
– object *reference* 对象引用
– object data 对象数据
and they have completely different locking.